ADELE- truly touch billions of heart by her deep-soulful song and lyric.
Ini adalah interpret kepada manusia yang berfungsi seperti biasa tanpa cacat cela, strong dan dependant by herself and walk tall dimuka bumi ni.
Eventually, this person like you or me we had some melancholy issue deep deep inside us.
Some issue we never let go.
Something missing sometimes but we just ignore.
Sebab, tentulah kerana manusia takkan bahagia dengan menyedihkan diri menangis berliter-liter air mata.
Dan kerana bila ko menangis macam Kassim selamat pun, ko cucuk mata dgn garpu sampai berdarah dan buta, keluar bijik mata dgn gelnya sekali tetap takkan dapat mengembalikan seseorang yang teramat bermakna ke sisi a.k.a kekasih dulu, awal dan pertengahan, tiada kekasih awal akhir ye.
Sebab-very cliche' stories around- takde jodoh, halangan family, dia dah ada girlfriend lain dan tah pape bullshit lagi.
Sayugia diingatkan tiada cerita hindustand bagi orang-orang yg ditinggalkan seperti ini.
Jadi jgn tanya kenapa tak fight utk seseorang itu, macamana nak fight bila dia layan ko mcm hampeh, tipu kiri kanan dpn belakang, call 40 ribu kali takmo jwb sb dia dah syok dgn orang lain atau ko hanya sparepart saja?? (cerita rekaan,tiada kaitan hidup dan mati).
Anyway, ni bukan nak citer pasal kisah love story tu..tapi pasal minah ADELE ni.
She's so brilliant,wrote most of her touching song and beware it's all a SOULFUL,sonorous voice and sorrowful song which means bila dengar rasa macam nak mati, meraung dlm hati dan nangis dlm hiba,tetiba rewind ke zaman mabuk kepayang,rasa cam kena pelempang dan ada orang ketuk kepala.
Bagi yg masih tak mau blah biarpun dah disakiti 4 juta kali hatinya...(rasa tak kuat,takleh hidup tanpa jantan keberet yg dah curi hati,yg dah pau berjuta lemon dlm akaun) dan aku takkan dpt hidup tanpamu syg...(dan biarpun aku dikerat 18 tak kisah asal kita tetap bersama..yeah , keep on dreaming he will change for good). Golongan ini bila dengar lagu ADELE ni akan rasa tak sanggup nk tinggalkan alam cinta yg sedang dinikmati.
Ataupun bagi yang dah tinggalkan dunia 'sedikit gembira,banyak sengsara' itu,rasa beban dah lepas biarpun masih teringat pada si dia sikit-sikit.(time nak tido nangis slowly dan tanya hati 'kenapa kau seksa aku sebegini? 'kenapa aku sygkan ko tp ko tak pernah hargai?').
But salute kepada yg mampu hidup seadanya tanpa si dia, yg teruskan melangkah tanpa stuck dgn dia dan masih tabah harungi walau ada bayangnya bertamu sekali sekala. Cuma type ni buat muka ketat,ada aku kesah ko ada ke takde, ko ada tambah semakkan jiwa aku lagi ada la..rasa syg ada tp kewarasan fikiran melebihi kebangangan dan takmo musnahkan diri sendiri. I love you but please die.
Cuma, bila dgr lagu minah ADELE, alahaiiiiiiii...menusuk kalbu, jiwa dan raga.
Sebab minah ni tersangat terrer merobek hati dgn lirik yg killer dan sangat mendalam.
Macam lirik someone like you jugak style jiwang lirik ni. Lagu lain ada jgk yg sedih dan frustrated, broken heart tp lagu Adele ni di describe dgn jayanya, hoho. Its brings up of emotion love lost.
Kalau ada yg perasan permulaan lagu ni rentak macam Francis Lai Love Story sikit2.
Jadi Adele ni adalah seangkatan dgn manusia yg jiwanya kacau tetapi maintain cool dan ada aku kesah type.Heh!
She's Queen of Pain and we love her.

I let it fall, my heart,
And as it fell you rose to claim it
It was dark and I was over
Until you kissed my lips and you saved me
My hands, they're strong
But my knees were far too weak
To stand in your arms
Without falling to your feet
But there's a side to you
That I never knew, never knew.
All the things you'd say
They were never true, never true,
And the games you play
You would always win, always win.
But I set fire to the rain,
Watched it pour as I touched your face,
Well, it burned while I cried
'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name!
When I lay with you
I could stay there
Close my eyes
Feel you here forever
You and me together
Nothing is better
'Cause there's a side to you
That I never knew, never knew,
All the things you'd say,
They were never true, never true,
And the games you play
You would always win, always win.
But I set fire to the rain,
Watched it pour as I touched your face,
Well, it burned while I cried
'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name!
I set fire to the rain
And I threw us into the flames
Where it felt something die
'Cause I knew that that was the last time, the last time!
Sometimes I wake up by the door,
That heart you caught must be waiting for you
Even now when we're already over
I can't help myself from looking for you.
I set fire to the rain,
Watched it pour as I touched your face,
Well, it burned while I cried
'Cause I heard it screaming out your name, your name
I set fire to the rain,
And I threw us into the flames
Where it felt something die
'Cause I knew that that was the last time, the last time
ohhhhhhhh let it burn
1.I can personally relate to this particular song. The song is talking about a relationship coming to an end. Girl meets guy, he is wonderful and she falls really quick for the guy. He is wonderful and tells her all of these wonderful things, but really they were all a lie and now she is left with a broken heart. He continually tries to play games with her and no matter hard she fights, she will never win. Nothing she can do will fix the relationship. As hard as she doesn't want to let him go, she breaks it off in order to save herself for further heartbreak.
2.During an interview about the meaning behind the songs Adele described this song as "burning the pain and getting rid of it and demolishing it...and its sort of like a liberating song because you know when you break up and the other person who you've left or who has left you knows how much you love them and they try and make your life hell and make it so that you can never get over them by constantly being in touch...its kind of like that and its about taking it into your own hands and just saying go away f*** off"
3.This is a very emotionally intense song. I've listened to it several times over the last few days and having been in this situation, it's difficult to think back to feeling this way.
She loved someone, and he hurt her, lied to her, etc. and she's finally setting herself free, while still acknowledging very strong feelings for him.
Couple of things to point out:
"My hands, they were strong
but my knees were far too weak
to stand in your arms
without falling to your feet"
-She's saying that she was weak and perhaps submissive while she was with him; she let him have a power over her and do things to her that she shouldn't have. She might be saying that she had a dependency on him, but I could be reading my own situation into it too much there.
These other two parts of the song:
"when I lay with you, I could stay there close my eyes
Feel you here forever, you and me together, nothing is better"
"Sometimes I wake up by the door, that heart you caught must be waiting for ya
Even now when we're already over, I can't help myself from looking for ya'
-Are really painful to read. She's acknowledging that he's gone and it's over, but she still loves him, thinks about how it felt with him, and misses him.
Ultimately, the song is very strong because it's about how, despite her personal weaknesses in a relationship, and the power someone has/had over her, she was able to recognize that he was bad for her and was, ultimately, able to "set fire to" what was between them, burn it down, and push him out of her life for good.
I wouldn't have been able to listen to this song while I was going through it. Adele is an amazing artist and her voice with these lyrics is just incredible, I hope she continues to make music for a very long time.
4.Setting fire to the rain, for me is about doing the impossible. I believe that when she was leaving this manipulative person, she was still in love with him and therefore breaking it off was as powerful and as hard as setting fire to the rain.
The fire continued to burn and destroy the relationship while she cried and mourned the loss. The main theme of the song, as I see it, is the powerful conflict of leaving a person that is bad for you while you still love them.
In the end of the song she admits that it is over but she is still longing for the man she left.
5.Ok, this is how I see this song...
She was down, broken but this person walked into her life at the right time to pick her back up again. She used all her strength to hold this person and fall deeply in love with them but saved no strengh back to protect her from getting hurt. All she saw were the good things this person could do, blinded by love...
Then she realised that this wasnt the perfect person and that they were not as deep into the relationship as she was and they did not have as strong feelings.
I see the setting fire to the rain to be a mixture of feelings of how angry and upset she feels. The fire being her anger and the rain being the tears she is crying. She doesnt know whether to feel empty or full of rage. She can clearly see though, that this is the end of the relationship and that it will never work no matter how much of herself she tries to throw at it. I believe that she feels it will be easier to get over if she is angry rather than upset, let it burn...let it burn.
Adele Turns a ‘Rubbish Relationship’ Into (Grammy) Gold
Last night, Adele cleaned up at the Grammys, winning all six awards she was nominated for. The British star, who was singing in public for the first time since having vocal cord surgery, thanked some of the usual suspects — her mom, her co-writers — and someone a little more unexpected… her ex-boyfriend.
Anyone who has listened to one of the songs off of her album 21 knows that Adele got her heart broken something fierce. (“Someone Like You” so accurately touched a nerve in all people everywhere that Saturday Night Live spoofed the song’s ability to make people weep openly.) When Adele went to claim her trophy for Album of the Year, she said that the songs were inspired by something that everyone understood: “a rubbish relationship.”
What your grandma and Kelly Clarkson say is true: whatever doesn’t kill you will make you stronger. In Adele’s case, turning heartbreak into megahit award-winning songs means that she clearly came out the winner in this situation. After all, we don’t even know her ex’s name or what he looks like, but Adele has been on the cover of Vogue. And despite a bad breakup being the catalyst to making her a megastar, she hasn’t been wallowing: there was a cute smiley guy sitting next to her last night, and that’s only the icing on the awesome cake.