Pizza night
aku suka sgt daun basil tu,stim oohh kalau cium,my aromatheraphy |
Pizza ni sgtlah senang nak membuatnya...
1.Drive ke pasaraya tesco
2.Pergi ke bahagian frozen
3.Pilih jenis perisa yang di gemari (beef pepperoni is the best)
4.Sila bayar dan berambus secepatnya sebelum hutang kad kredit bertambah
5.Drive balik dan panaskan oven 180C
6.Tear pizza wrap,put in baking tray and bake for 30 minutes.
7.Potong dan sila makan.
Dicadangkan puasa 3 hari lepas ngap pizza yer...ataupun jgn komplen kalo seluar zip semua ketat.(ada aku kesah..)
Heh,orang buat pizza (patinpasta blog),dia nak pizza.Tapi malas ya amattt..jadi beli je yg frozen.
Bolehlah tahan untuk tekak manusia malas...(anak sapo la tu kannn)
Resepi Siakap Sweet Sour/Seabass Sweet sour
1 ekor Siakap-bersih dan lumur lada putih,garam,tepung jagung dan goreng hingga masak dalam minyak yg banyak
untuk sos:
1 nos bawang besar-potong cube
3 ulas bwg putih-chopp
1 inci halia-hiris nipis
3 sudu cili kisar
2 sudu sos plum
2 sudu sos cili
2 sudu sos tomato
1 sudu sos tiram
2 sudu besar tepung jagung-campur sedikit air
1 cawan air
sedikit mix vege
50 gmcube green capsicum-tak letak pun takpe
50gmcube tomato (1 biji)
200 gm cube nenas-tak letak pun takpe
100 gm cube timun-tak letak pun takpe
1 tangkai daun bawang-potong 1/2 inci-masukkan saat akhir
2 sudu minyak masak
Garam,gula secukup rasa
(tak letak pun takpe?baik tak masak pun takpe...)
1.Goreng ikan hingga sedikit garing/masak.KetepikanAsingkan minyak tinggal sedikit (dlm 3 sudu besar)
2.Tumis bawang,halia dan cili kisar.
3.Tunggu pecah minyak,masukkan sos tiram,sos cili/tomato dan sos plum.Masukkan air.
4.Masukkan capsicam,mix vege,tomato,nenas,timun dan didihkan.
5.Masukkan tepung jagung yg dah dicampur sedikit dan perasakan.
6.Tuang atas ikan dan selamat menjamu selera
Resepi ni terpulang nak letak sayur apa.Kalo takde timun,tak kisah ganti je dgn baby corn ke atau apa yg ada dlm dapur.
Siakap versi ni ada byk,dan byk kali aku kena masak..tu pasal pinggan kejap color putih,kejap takde color. Pasal?budak skrg ni nak mkn ikan besar-besar jek.Ikan bilis,ikan kembong dianaktirikan.Jadi,memang selalu kena masak benda alah ni..
Resepi Sizzling Claypot Yee Mee
Resepi ni amik dari internet gak,cuma alter pape yang patut.
Mee ni mee sizzling yg kita selalu ngidam kat Foodcourt tu.Bagi yg malas,guna je kicap biasa tuh,instead guna kicap cair,kicap pekat dan segala spesies kicap.
Resepi untuk 3,4 orang
400 gm yee mee-agak-agak pun ok,dalam 2 keping dry mee
500 gm ayam (nak sekali tulang dia)-potong kecik
4 sudu besar sos tiram
3 sudu kicap biasa
Cendawan shitake kering-rendam dan toskan
4 titik minyak bijan
5 sudu tepung jagung-campur dgn sedikit air
2 nos pak choy
1 sudu lada putih/hitam
4 cawan air
Bahan tumis:
2 biji cili kering-potong sedikit
1 inci halia-potong nipis
2 sudu minyak masak
3 ulas bawang putih-peel dan ketuk
Garam,gula,secukup rasa
1.Panaskan minyak,tumis bawang putih,halia dan cili kering
2.Masukkan ayam dan tunggu agak garing.
3.Masukkan air dan didihkan.Masukkan sos tiram,kicap,lada dan cendawan.
4.Masukkan minyak bijan,perasa,garam dan didihkan.
5.Pekatkan dengan tepung jagung dan didihkan perlahan dalam 30minit.(utk bg feel dan ayam lembut isinya,semua jus extract dari tulangnya,lagi lama lagi sedap macam kat foodcourt tu,dia masak kuah lama gila sampai cili kering dah nak hancur dan isi ayam terlerai dari tulang)
6.Masukkan yee mee,pak choy dan tunggu lembut.Adjust rasa.
7.Hidangkan dan tambah telur jika suka.
Resepi Paprik Campur
Ok,resepi ni sangatlah senang.
Aku menggunakan tom yam cube,jadi dah ada rasa masam dan dah rasa ala-ala Thai kan.Yang resepi lain sikit dari biasa,sb aku tambah tom yam cube.Warna pun tak merah sebab tak pedas.Kalo nak pedas,tambah sikit cili kisar.
300 gm ayam-potong kecik
200 gm sotong-bersihkan dan potong ring
300 gm kupang-ni akan menambah kemanisan paprik,takde pun takpe ganti udang pun ok
100 gm carrot-potong julienne
100 gm brokoli-potong suka hati
1 ulas bawang besar-potong wedges
2 ulas bawang putih-kupas dan ketuk
1 btg serai-ketuk
sedikit halia
2 sudu cili kisar
1 cube tom yam paste
2 sudu kicap tiram aka oyster sauce
2 sudu sos cili
1 batang serai-hiris nipis
1 biji tomato
4 biji cili api-ketuk
2 sudu besar Minyak masak
Garam-ikut lidah
Gula- agak-agak
Daun limau purut dan jus limau sebiji (kalo nak..)
Nak tambah jagung muda,cendawan dan sayur lain,boleh je alter
(hoih,kata senang apesal byk gila bahan nih?)
1.Panaskan minyak dan tumis segala jenis bebawang,serai,halia dan cili api
2.Masukkan cili kisar dan serai,daun limau daun tunggu naik bau.Masukkan ayam,kupang,dan goreng hingga sedikit garing.
3.Masukkan sos tiram,sos cili dan sotong.Masukkan tom yam cube dan segala sayur dan semua bahan yg ada yg belum dimasukkan lagi.(ayat tah pape)
4.Goreng dan perasakan.
Lonely Quotes 2
"Pray that your loneliness may spur you into finding something to live for, great enough to die for."
~Dag Hammarskjold"Language..has created the word "loneliness" to express the pain of being alone. And it has created the word "solitude" to express the glory of being alone. "
~Paul Tillich
"People drain me, even the closest of friends, and I find loneliness to be the best state in the union to live in."
~Margaret Cho
"Solitude: a sweet absence of looks."
~Milan Kundera
"When you close your doors, and make darkness within, remember never to say that you are alone, for you are not alone; nay, God is within, and your genius is within. And what need have they of light to see what you are doing?"
"A man in a bookstore buys a book on loneliness and every woman in the store hits on him. A woman buys a book on loneliness and the store clears out."
~Doug Coupland
"Writing is an antidote for loneliness."
~Steven Berkoff
"Solitude is a condition of peace that stands in direct opposition to loneliness. Loneliness is like sitting in an empty room and being aware of the space around you. It is a condition of separateness. Solitude is becoming one with the space around you. It is a condition of union. loneliness is small, solitude is large. loneliness closes in around you; solitude expands toward the infinite. loneliness has its roots in words, in an internal conversation that nodbody answers; solitude has it's roots in the great silence of eternity."
~Kent Nerburn

"If you are alone you belong entirely to yourself....If you are accompanied by even one companion you belong only half to yourself, or even less, in proportion to the thoughtlessness of his conduct; and if you have more than one companion you will fall more deeply into the same plight."
~Leonardo da Vinci
“The Internet is for lonely people. People should live.”
― Charlton Heston
Loneliness has followed me my whole life. Everywhere. In bars, in cars, sidewalks, stores, everywhere. There's no escape. I'm God's lonely man...
~ Travis Bickle, Taxi Driver
In cities no one is quiet but many are lonely; in the country, people are quiet but few are lonely.
`Geoffrey F. Fisher
Loneliness is the human condition. Cultivate it. The way it tunnels into you allows your soul room to grow.
-Janet Fitch

Be able to be alone. Lose not the advantage of solitude.
~Sir Thomas Browne
When we cannot bear to be alone, it means we do not properly value
the only companion we will have from birth to death--ourselves.
~Eda LeShan
We visit others as a matter of social obligation.
How long has it been since we have visited with ourselves?
~Morris Adler
The person who travels alone can start today; but the person
who travels with another must wait until the other is ready.
~Henry David Thoreau
The cure for all the illness of life is stored in the inner depth of life itself,
the access to which becomes possible when we are alone.This solitude is a world in itself, full of wonders and resources
unthought of. It is absurdly near; yet so unapproachably distant.
Deliberately seeking solitude--quality time spent away
from family and friends--may seem selfish. It is not.
Solitude is as necessary for our creative spirits to develop
and flourish as are sleep and food for our bodies to survive.
~Sarah Ban Breathnach

I remember my grandfather telling me how each of us must live
with a full measure of loneliness that is inescapable, and we must not
destroy ourselves with our passion to escape this aloneness.
~Jim Harrison
Wise people are never less alone than when they are alone.
~Jonathan Swift
We can cultivate an inner solitude and silence that sets us free
from loneliness and fear. Loneliness is inner emptiness. Solitude
is inner fulfillment. Solitude is not first a place but a state of mind
and heart. There is a solitude of heart that can be maintained at
all times. Crowds or the lack of them have little to do with this inward
attentiveness. It is quite possible to be a desert hermit and never experience
solitude. But if we possess inward solitude we will not fear being alone, for
we know that we are not alone. Neither do we fear being with others, for they
do not control us. In the midst of noise and confusion
we are settled into a deep inner silence.
~Teresa of Avila
Just when does solitude turn into loneliness? In my life, "solitude" has always been a positive word, while "loneliness" has been a word that has described some of the most painful feelings I've ever felt. I can't begin to count the number of days that loneliness and a sense of isolation have developed into severe depression, and to be honest, I don't want to count them or even think about them much. They're in the past now, and I sincerely hope that they're not a part of my future. I can't know this, but I certainly can hope.
Solitude signifies being on one's own with one's own thoughts. For many people, this is a healthy, desirable state in which to be--it's relaxing, refreshing, rejuvenating. It allows us to check our perspective, to practice introspection so that we may clarify ideas and thoughts. Being on our own, away from the input of other people's ideas, gives us the opportunity to come into closer contact with who we are, with our sense of morals, with our character, with our goals and hopes and desires. We're away from peer pressure, from job pressures, from social obligations, and we can use that time to experience some of the quiet that's missing so often in our daily routines.
In a way, solitude helps us from becoming addicted to other people, or to break the addictions to others that we have. How can we be addicted to other people? When we use being with others as an excuse not to be with ourselves, then we're addicted to others. When we can't spend a moment alone without the television set or radio blaring, then we're addicted to being with others. An addiction is something that we do or use to avoid dealing with problems or insecurities--the alcoholic doesn't love alcohol as much as he or she wants to avoid dealing with personal issues. The drug addict is doing the same thing. Both of them will tell you that they do it for the "high," but the fact is that the high wears off pretty quickly, and the more one drinks or does drugs, the less of a high there is.
Being with other people keeps our minds on other things--we can talk about sports or television or the weather, all the trivial things that fill our lives day to day, without even thinking about the problems we have. This is why so many people need therapists later in life--because they've spent their youthful years avoiding contemplation and solitude. They've never been able to come to grips with who and what they are, to accept themselves and to set up challenges for themselves.
Some people search out solitude without even thinking that they need to do so--it's an innate urge with them, something that they do as a matter of course, without even thinking about the psychological benefits of being alone. These people are very fortunate, for they help themselves in a very important way on a regular basis.
Other people are given solitude involuntarily--with me it came from my insecurities and my inability to fit in with others. For me, solitude was very often loneliness, and very often painful. But I know now that I made it painful because of my perspective, and I regret losing so many opportunities that being on my own opened up to me--I'll never be able to get them back.
Find or make time for yourself to be with yourself. Spend time thinking about who you are and who you want to be. Examine your strengths and focus on possibilities. Find the friend inside who has accomplished a lot, and learn to love yourself on your own terms. If you can do this, you've taken a very important step towards being able to help others to learn about themselves and to be more content with life.
Solitude seems so much fuller than alone time. It has the added elements of peace and time. Busy mothers can get alone time, and yet they would open a vein for solitude.
Solitude gives us time to let our hair down and see what we need, do what we need, and have the quiet to explore its benefits. When we have alone time, we can take a quiet bath. When we have solitude, we can use the quiet bath to explore what we I need to do with our solitude.
Busy people may be able to squeeze in alone time now and again. And people who are living in balance require solitude. Solitude is that quiet mist of peacefulness that enters our ears and makes its own music, enters our eyes and creates its own art, and enters our pores and imagines its own muse.
Solitude returns us to ourselves while expanding us beyond our boundaries. Solitude is precious and essential.
~Anne Wilson Schaef
Yes, I felt closer to my fellow human beings, too, even in my solitude. For it is not physical solitude that actually separates one from others, not physical isolation, but spiritual isolation. It is not the desert island nor the stony wilderness that cuts you from the people you love. It is the wilderness in the mind, the desert wastes in the heart through which one wanders lost and a stranger. When one is a stranger to oneself than one is estranged from others, too. In one is out of touch with oneself, then one cannot touch others. How often in a large city, shaking hands with my friends, I have felt the wilderness stretching between us. Both of us were wandering in arid wastes, having lost the springs that nourished us--or having found them dry. Only when one is connected to one's own core is one connected to others, I am beginning to discover. And, for me, the core, the inner spring, can best be refound through solitude.
~Anne Morrow Lindbergh
I consider myself an expert on loneliness, though I don't say that with pride or satisfaction. That's just the way things have been for me. Our family moved around constantly while I was young, so I spent a lot of time by myself when I wished I was with others. Both tendencies followed me into my adult years--moving a lot and spending a lot of time alone--so I've had plenty of time to feel loneliness, ponder loneliness, and learn to dislike loneliness a great deal.
I don't regret those times at all. Through loneliness I've learned the beauty and wealth and necessity of solitude, and I've learned to be able to do many things on my own that many people would love to be able to do. I'm not bothered at all by sitting alone at a table in a crowded restaurant, and I'm not afraid to leave a negative situation just because I might be alone. I never allowed myself to be dragged into a negative relationship just because I was afraid of being alone. I never dread being alone, and I often look forward to it, for I know just how healing it can be.
I didn't marry until I was 38, either, so I had an awful lot of time to learn about loneliness.
Here's much of what I learned. I can't tell it all because I'm not sure that I'm fully aware of all that I've learned.
My loneliness depends on my perspective. I can be alone and be lonely, or I can be alone and enjoy the quiet time and the chance I have to reflect, meditate, be introspective. When I'm with myself, I can listen to whatever music I want, watch what I want on TV (or turn it off when I want), and eat whatever I feel like eating. There was a time when I would have traded all of these freedoms for anything, but I also finally reached a point before I met my wife at which I appreciated these freedoms, and did my best to take advantage of them. I can see being alone as lonely, or I can see being alone as enjoying solitude. It's up to me.
Loneliness is very real. It's a very strong feeling that can be very debilitating, and it's difficult to live with. It affects a person to the depths of his or her being, for in loneliness one sees oneself as being rejected by other people who would rather be with someone else--anyone else, we tell ourselves. Somehow we're unacceptable, undesirable, unlovable. We have plenty of time to be alone to tell ourselves all these negative things about ourselves.
And how many people are afraid to leave destructive relationships or marriages because they're afraid of being alone?
In hindsight, one of the most tragic things about my loneliness was that much of it was caused by my fear of rejection. I've learned when I was moving away or when someone else was leaving that they really wished they could have spent more time with me. But I never picked up the phone to say "Hey, let's get together" because I was afraid that they would say no. My loneliness was bad, but it was worse when I was spending time alone after being rejected. But much of my loneliness, I now know, could have been averted by a simple phone call now and then. I could have gone hiking, could have gone to movies, could have had more people over for dinner, could have done a lot of things with lots of people. Instead, I sat home alone.
And by calling someone else, I might even have helped them feel less lonely.
Loneliness is one of the most feared states in modern life. Perhaps
this fear has come about because so many of us have a vague awareness
of a surging river of loneliness deep inside. Much of our activity and
busyness is designed to keep that river within its banks.
Maybe loneliness has received a bad rap in today's world. Maybe
loneliness is one of the ways our inner being communicates with us,
letting us know that we need to take the time to get back in touch with
ourselves. Could it be that the emptiness we feel in our solar plexus
(and try so hard to avoid) is a friendly reminder that something
(or someone!) has gone missing--we ourselves!
When we are lonely, it's usually a signal that we need to spend
some time with ourselves. The next time you get this signal,
try taking some time alone.
~Anne Wilson Schaef
You try being alone, without any forms of distraction, and you will see how quickly you want to get away from yourself and forget what you are. That is why this enormous structure of professional amusement, of automated distraction, is so prominent a part of what we call civilization.
If you observe, you will see that people the world over are becoming more and more distracted, increasingly sophisticated and worldly. The multiplication of pleasures, the innumerable books that are being published, the newspaper pages filled with sporting events--surely, all these indicate that we constantly want to be amused. Because we are inwardly empty, dull, mediocre, we use our relationships and our social reforms as a means of escaping from ourselves.
I wonder if you have noticed how lonely most people are? And to escape from loneliness we run to temples, churches, or mosques, we dress up and attend social functions, we watch television, listen to the radio, read, and so on. . . .
If you inquire a little into boredom you will find that the cause of it is loneliness. It is in order to escape from loneliness that we want to be together, we want to be entertained, to have distractions of every kind: gurus, religious ceremonies, prayers, or the latest novel. Being inwardly lonely we become mere spectators in life; and we can be the players only when we understand loneliness and go beyond it.
. . . because beyond it lies the real treasure.
~J. Krishnamurti
We choose solitude. We think loneliness chooses us. People fight loneliness because
they think it is a statement about their self-worth, instead of a choice they have made.
You might be lonely because you've defined only a few unavailable or select individuals
as worthy companions: your ex-lover or ex-spouse, your adult children, someone who
is dead, or someone of your "class" and accomplishments.
You are lonely because you are a discriminating person. There are lots of people
available to be with if you are willing to seek them out. Loneliness doesn't choose you,
you choose loneliness in preference to the alternatives. There is nothing wrong with your
preference--just recognize it and adapt to the circumstances that result. . . .
The difference between loneliness and solitude is your perception of who you are
alone with and who made the choice.
~Jennifer James
Loneliness is black coffee and late-night television;
solitude is herb tea and soft music.
~Pearl Cleage
My life is spent in perpetual alternation between two rhythms,
the rhythm of attracting people for fear I may be lonely
and the rhythm of trying to get rid of them
because I know that I am bored.
~C.E.M. Joad
Close Comfort
Eric and Lauren Wendlandt painted the walls and ceiling a variety of pale, cool colors—putty, seafoam, and glass green—to give the impression of airiness. A traditional boxy TV would loom like a zeppelin in Eric and Lauren's living room—unlike the worth-every-penny flat-screen.
To take advantage of the area under the mantel—and eliminate the need for freestanding bookcases and a bar cart—the couple designed craftsman-style built-ins that look original to the house.
A hard-working bench not only provides a tremendous amount of storage, it also offers seating for up to four guests. (When friends and family come calling, the coffee-table tomes laid out on its surface get stashed below.) "We try to multifunction everything," Lauren says.
She and Eric resisted the urge to fill a tiny room with lots of little furniture: One big piece, like the sofa-and-chaise combo, creates a room-within-a-room feel.
In the dining room, the cord of a pendant lamp retracts so that during parties guests—even really tall ones—can move freely about the room without bumping their heads. Likewise, the fixture lowers to illuminate more intimate sit-down meals.
Instead of heavy, claustrophobia-inducing drapes, Lauren and Eric opted for simple bamboo shades stained to echo the wood floor.
Leave the walk-in larders to big estates. Another built-in, painted white to match the molding, holds dining and entertaining essentials—which makes setting the table a snap. Pushed against the wall, this table transforms into an ample buffet for casual dinners. With all its leaves in place, it stretches to seat 10.
To keep spices from hogging the counter, Lauren stripped these bottles from the lazy Susan they came with and attached their lids to her kitchen shelf using magnets.
Cubbies from West Elm conceal alarm clocks, etc.—and keep the eye moving upward (the design equivalent of wearing a bright neck scarf).
Bedside tables are optional. Eric built an extra-wide white headboard, allowing just enough room for the essentials: books and a glass of water.
"Sometimes it's more economical to find pre-made things and use them for something different," says Eric. "Besides, all the captain's beds we saw were knotty pine." Their modern take sits on Ikea drawers. "My wedding dress and things we don't need but don't want to get rid of" live under the bed, Lauren adds.
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To take advantage of the area under the mantel—and eliminate the need for freestanding bookcases and a bar cart—the couple designed craftsman-style built-ins that look original to the house.
A hard-working bench not only provides a tremendous amount of storage, it also offers seating for up to four guests. (When friends and family come calling, the coffee-table tomes laid out on its surface get stashed below.) "We try to multifunction everything," Lauren says.
She and Eric resisted the urge to fill a tiny room with lots of little furniture: One big piece, like the sofa-and-chaise combo, creates a room-within-a-room feel.
In the dining room, the cord of a pendant lamp retracts so that during parties guests—even really tall ones—can move freely about the room without bumping their heads. Likewise, the fixture lowers to illuminate more intimate sit-down meals.
Instead of heavy, claustrophobia-inducing drapes, Lauren and Eric opted for simple bamboo shades stained to echo the wood floor.
Leave the walk-in larders to big estates. Another built-in, painted white to match the molding, holds dining and entertaining essentials—which makes setting the table a snap. Pushed against the wall, this table transforms into an ample buffet for casual dinners. With all its leaves in place, it stretches to seat 10.
To keep spices from hogging the counter, Lauren stripped these bottles from the lazy Susan they came with and attached their lids to her kitchen shelf using magnets.
Cubbies from West Elm conceal alarm clocks, etc.—and keep the eye moving upward (the design equivalent of wearing a bright neck scarf).
Bedside tables are optional. Eric built an extra-wide white headboard, allowing just enough room for the essentials: books and a glass of water.
"Sometimes it's more economical to find pre-made things and use them for something different," says Eric. "Besides, all the captain's beds we saw were knotty pine." Their modern take sits on Ikea drawers. "My wedding dress and things we don't need but don't want to get rid of" live under the bed, Lauren adds.
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Elizbeth Fiore's Apartment makeover
One Hour, One Day, One Weekend
Lance Boyd took an apartment that already had style and showed its owner, Elizabeth Fiore, how to make it really shine.
Elizabeth Fiore's one-bedroom Manhattan apartment has many qualities almost any homeowner would covet, including high ceilings, huge windows, lovely views, and loads of architectural details. And because Elizabeth is an art advisor who has filled her home with dynamic paintings and fashionable yet functional furniture, her place wasn't in desperate need of a makeover.
Still, Elizabeth thought a design expert—someone with a skilled eye—could help her make the most of what she already had in her apartment. See how stylist Lance Boyd took an apartment that already had style and showed its owner how to make it really shine—in as little as one hour, one day, or one weekend.
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Lance Boyd took an apartment that already had style and showed its owner, Elizabeth Fiore, how to make it really shine.
Elizabeth Fiore's one-bedroom Manhattan apartment has many qualities almost any homeowner would covet, including high ceilings, huge windows, lovely views, and loads of architectural details. And because Elizabeth is an art advisor who has filled her home with dynamic paintings and fashionable yet functional furniture, her place wasn't in desperate need of a makeover.
Still, Elizabeth thought a design expert—someone with a skilled eye—could help her make the most of what she already had in her apartment. See how stylist Lance Boyd took an apartment that already had style and showed its owner how to make it really shine—in as little as one hour, one day, or one weekend.
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living room |
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Nate's Country Home Makeover
Drowning in dried flowers, a California couple living in the country is trapped in cutesy clutter. See how designer Nate Berkus takes their home from covered wagon country to California chic.
~The Oprah Winfrey Show
August 19, 2009
Margie and John have cows in their backyard, but that doesn't mean they should have stuffed ones inside. "Country decorating, if somebody loves it, great, go for it. But what happens is people get stuck in a rut," Nate says. "You don't even know if you like it and you just keep going in that direction."
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~The Oprah Winfrey Show
August 19, 2009
Margie and John have cows in their backyard, but that doesn't mean they should have stuffed ones inside. "Country decorating, if somebody loves it, great, go for it. But what happens is people get stuck in a rut," Nate says. "You don't even know if you like it and you just keep going in that direction."
Before makeover
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bedroom before |
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bedroom after |
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