The Oprah Winfrey Show Finale

On September 8, 1986, the first national episode of The Oprah Winfrey Show was broadcast into homes across America. Now, 25 years later, Oprah steps onto the stage for the last time to share her greatest lessons and hopes for her viewers.
"After deliberating for some time, we decided to do what we do best, and that is a show about and with everyday people. This show always allows people, hopefully, to understand the power they have to change their own lives. If there's one thread running through each show we do, it is the message that you are not alone. Twenty-five years and I'm still saying thank you, America. Thank you so much. There are no words to match this moment. Every word I've ever spoken from this stage of The Oprah Show for 4,561 days of my life is what this moment is all about. ...

"When I came here, I was about to turn 30 years old. I didn't have a vision or a lot of great expectations. Stedman talks about vision all the time, but I didn't have one when I came here. I just wanted to do a good job and cause no harm. ... That first day was a shock to me. There was no audience. There I am in my best Anne Klein II velour outfit, my guests were a few Chicago football players, New Year's Day, 1984. ... I needed people. I needed to have you to gauge how things were going during the show, if you were responding, if you were laughing, if you were tracking with me. So after that first show, we put up some folding chairs in the audience. We brought in the staff. Secretaries. Anybody we could find in the building and filled the first rows with staff people and the rest with people off the street that we bribed with doughnuts and coffee, and we'd say, 'Come in.' ...
"Two years later, when we went national, I remember at the time, Roger King told me that one station manager said that he'd rather put a potato in a chair in his market than have a big black girl with a funny name. And in spite of that, from Memphis to Macon, from Pittsburgh to Pensacola, from New York to New Orleans, you all let me in."

"The first week we went national, I remember I got a letter from a woman named Carrie in Ann Arbor, Michigan. Carrie said, 'Oprah, watching you be yourself makes me want to be more of myself.' That was and still remains one of the nicest things I ever heard. What Carrie felt is what I wanted for every single one of you. I wanted to encourage you to be more of yourself just as you all encouraged me, and you cheered me on and occasionally complained about my outfits, my big hair and earrings the size of napkins. Now I see you had every reason to. ...

"Soon after I started the show, something shifted for me. It really did. I started the show as a job and was very happy to get the job, but it was not long before I understood that there was something else going on here. More than just job satisfaction. Something in me connected with each of you in a way that allowed me to see myself in you and you in me. I became your surrogate—to ask the questions, deliver the answers, learn, grow, expand my thinking, challenge my beliefs and the way I looked at the world. I listened and grew, and I know you grew along with me. ..

"Sometimes I was the teacher, and more often, you taught me. It is no coincidence that I always wanted to be a teacher and I ended up in the world's biggest classroom. And this, my friends, will be our last class from the stage. ...
"What I knew for sure from this experience with you is that we are all called. Everybody has a calling, and your real job in life is to figure out what that is and get about the business of doing it. Every time we have seen a person on this stage who is a success in their life, they spoke of the job, and they spoke of the juice that they receive from doing what they knew they were meant to be doing. We saw it in the volunteers who rocked abandoned babies in Atlanta. We saw it with those lovely pie ladies from Cape Cod making those delicious potpies. ... We saw it every time Tina Turner, Celine, Bocelli or Lady Gaga lit up the stage with their passion. Because that is what a calling is. It lights you up and it lets you know that you are exactly where you're supposed to be, doing exactly what you're supposed to be doing. And that is what I want for all of you and hope that you will take from this show. To live from the heart of yourself. You have to make a living; I understand that. But you also have to know what sparks the light in you so that you, in your own way, can illuminate the world."

"When I started, not even I imagined that this show would have the depth and the reach that you all have given it. It has been a privilege for me to speak to you here in this studio, in this country and in 150 countries around the world on this platform that is The Oprah Winfrey Show. You let me into your homes to talk to you every day. This is what you allowed me to do, and I thank you for that. But what I want you to know as this show ends: Each one of you has your own platform. Do not let the trappings here fool you. Mine is a stage in a studio, yours is wherever you are with your own reach, however small or however large that reach is. Maybe it's 20 people, maybe it's 30 people, 40 people, your family, your friends, your neighbors, your classmates, your classroom, your co-workers. Wherever you are, that is your platform, your stage, your circle of influence. That is your talk show, and that is where your power lies. In every way, in every day, you are showing people exactly who you are. You're letting your life speak for you. And when you do that, you will receive in direct proportion to how you give in whatever platform you have.
"My great wish for all of you who have allowed me to honor my calling through this show is that you carry whatever you're supposed to be doing, carry that forward and don't waste any more time. Start embracing the life that is calling you and use your life to serve the world."
"Time and time again, the theme that kept showing itself in our early years on this show was people making bad choices. I look back at those tapes, I can't believe I did it. People were making bad choices and then blaming everybody but themselves for the state of their lives. We started to learn by watching others how self-destructive that really was. ...

"Here's what I learned from all of that, besides not to do that anymore: Nobody but you is responsible for your life. It doesn't matter what your mama did; it doesn't matter what your daddy didn't do. You are responsible for your life. ... You are responsible for the energy that you create for yourself, and you're responsible for the energy that you bring to others. One of the best examples of this was Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor who was on the show talking about the book My Stroke of Insight. She was a 37-year-old, Harvard-educated brain scientist who suffered a massive stroke in the left part of her brain. She couldn???t speak or remember her own mother, but when doctors and nurses walked into her room, she knew from the right brain who was on her side. She could feel their energy. ...

"Dr. Taylor sent me a sign that I have hanging in my makeup room. It says, 'Please take responsibility for the energy you bring into this space.' And I ask the same thing in my home and at my companies. Thank you, Dr. Taylor, for that simple but powerful lesson. All life is energy and we are transmitting it at every moment. We are all little beaming little signals like radio frequencies, and the world is responding in kind. ...
"Remember physics class? Did you pay attention to Newton's third law of motion? Let me tell you, that thing is real. It says for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. That is the abiding law that I live by, articulated to perfection by Miss Celie in The Color Purple when she finally gets the courage to leave her abusive husband, Mister. ... 'Everything you done to me already done to you.' It is the Golden Rule to the 10th power."

"When I started this show, it was a revelation to all of us how much dysfunction there was in people's lives. I grew up with Leave It to Beaver and Andy Griffith. I thought everybody's family life was like that, even though I knew mine was not. Well this show, and our guests, began to paint a different picture and allowed us to drop the veil on all the pretense and do exactly what we envisioned in that first show: to let people know that you are not alone.
"One of the most poignant moments I remember was in one of the first shows we did about alcoholism. We moved in with a family for a week. The mother felt her husband had a drinking problem, and it was destroying the family. What moved me the most was this moment in that show where the mother's being consoled by her 3-year-old daughter. That, to me, was the real picture of what alcoholism does to a family. And that was just the beginning. People started coming on this show saying things they couldn't say to their own family members. Little by little, we started to release the shame."
"What amazes me when I look back at the volume of 4,561 shows is not just that we did this, but the variety and the complexity of the things that we did. One day we're LOLing with Chris Rock, and the next day we're at Walter Reed spending time with soldiers who have lost their limbs. And the day after that, we're sitting with an entire family of heroin addicts.
"I learned from the guests on this show, no need to feel superior to anybody. Because whether it's heroin addiction or gambling addiction or shopping addiction or food addiction, work addiction, the root is all the same. The show has taught me there is a common thread that runs through all of our pain and all of our suffering, and that is unworthiness. Not feeling worthy enough to own the life you were created for. Even people who believe they deserve to be happy and have nice things often don't feel worthy once they have them.
"There is a difference, you know, between thinking you deserve to be happy and knowing you are worthy of happiness. That never became clearer to me than this year in a moment I shared with Iyanla Vanzant, an expert who had been a regular on our show 12 years ago, and we were trying to develop a show for her, for her own show, and she left to do a show with somebody else and we hadn't spoken since. .."What I got was we often block our own blessings because we don't feel inherently good enough or smart enough or pretty enough or worthy enough. From Jacqui Saburido—her face literally melted by the flames ignited from a car accident with a drunk driver—to Monica George—remember her? The mother with a young daughter and a brand new baby who lost both her arms and both legs—the show has taught me you're worthy because you are born and because you are here. Your being here, your being alive makes worthiness your birthright. You alone are enough''.

"I've talked to nearly 30,000 people on this show, and all 30,000 had one thing in common: They all wanted validation. If I could reach through this television and sit on your sofa or sit on a stool in your kitchen right now, I would tell you that every single person you will ever meet shares that common desire. They want to know: 'Do you see me? Do you hear me? Does what I say mean anything to you?
"Understanding that one principle, that everybody wants to be heard, has allowed me to hold the microphone for you all these years with the least amount of judgment. Now I can't say I wasn't judging some days. Some days, I had to judge just a little bit. But it's helped me to stand and to try to do that with an open mind and to do it with an open heart. It has worked for this platform, and I guarantee you it will work for yours. Try it with your children, your husband, your wife, your boss, your friends. Validate them. 'I see you. I hear you. And what you say matters to me.'"

"People often ask me, What is the secret of success of the show? How have we lasted 25 years? I nonjokingly say, 'My team and Jesus.' Because nothing but the hand of God has made this possible for me. ... I know I've never been alone, and you haven't either. And I know that that presence, that flow—some people call it grace—is working in my life at every single turn. And yours too, if you let it in. It's closer than your breath, and it is yours for the asking. ...
"I have felt the presence of God my whole life. Even when I didn't have a name for it, I could feel the voice bigger than myself speaking to me, and all of us have that same voice. Be still and know it. You can acknowledge it or not. You can worship it or not. You can praise it, you can ignore it or you can know it. Know it. It's always there speaking to you and waiting for you to hear it in every move, in every decision. I wait and I listen. I'm still—I wait and listen for the guidance that's greater than my meager mind....

"The only time I've ever made mistakes is when I didn't listen. So what I know is, God is love and God is life, and your life is always speaking to you. First in whispers. ... It's subtle, those whispers. And if you don't pay attention to the whispers, it gets louder and louder. It's like getting thumped upside the head, like my grandmother used to do. ... You don't pay attention to that, it's like getting a brick upside your head. You don't pay attention to that, the whole brick wall falls down. That's the pattern I've seen in my life, and it's played out over and over again on this show. ...

"A couple weeks ago, we brought back Carolyn Thomas whose face was literally shot off by her boyfriend. You ask Carolyn now: 'Were there whispers? Were there bricks before the disastrous bullet?' What Carolyn would say to you? 'Don't wait for your face to get shot off before you hear your own life speaking to you.'
"What I've gleaned from this show: Whispers are always messages, and if you don't hear the message, the message turns into a problem. And if you don't handle the problem, the problem turns into a crisis. And if you don't handle the crisis, disaster. Your life is speaking to you. What is it saying?"

"People ask, Do I have regrets? I have none, really, about this show. But the one thing I feel I was not able to bring enough attention to, although I tried in 217 shows, was the sexual seduction, molestation and rape of children, worse now with the Internet than it was 25 years ago when I first spoke publicly in November of 1986 of my own sexual abuse. Even though I was able to speak about it because I felt safe enough with you as an audience, I still hadn't released the shame of it.
"It wasn't until many years later on a show with child molesters, one of them shared how they calculate and artfully manipulate to seduce children, when I finally realized, like so many of you, it really wasn't my fault. ...

"We had a lot of frank conversations on this show about child sexual abuse, and it opened a floodgate for millions of you all over the world, all of you claiming, with courage, the same thing: It happened to me too. And it's continued for 25 years. One of the proudest moments in the history of The Oprah Show was when my friend Tyler Perry joined me on this stage and gave us his testimony of abuse and then was joined by 200 men. "What a full-circle moment. I felt safe enough with you all 25 years ago. This season they felt safe enough with me. Thank you, Tyler, and every man who had the strength to stand up for the little boy inside of him."

"You all have been a safe harbor for me for 25 years. It's strange, I know, but you have been. And what I hope is that you all will be that safe harbor for somebody else—their safe place to fall. Do for them what you all are telling me the show has done for you. Connect. Embrace. Liberate. Love somebody. Just one person. And then spread that to two. And as many as you can. You'll see the difference it makes....
"So, audience, I want to keep in touch. I want you to jot down my new email address:—easy to remember, huh? This is going to be my personal email account for all of you. When you get something in your in-box from me, it will be from me directly, and I'll be reading as many of your emails as I can as I move to my next life on OWN. I want you to know that what you have to say matters to me. I understand the manifestation of grace and God, so I know that there are no coincidences. There are none. Only divine order here.
"I am truly amazed that I, who started out in rural Mississippi in 1954 when the vision for a black girl was limited to being either a maid or a teacher in a segregated school, could end up here. It is no coincidence that a lonely little girl who felt not a lot of love, even though my parents and grandparents did the best they could, it is no coincidence that I grew up to feel the genuine kindness, affection, trust and validation from millions of you all over the world. From you whose names I will never know, I learned what love is. You and this show have been the great love of my life."

"Every single day I came down from my makeup room on our Harpo elevator, I would offer a prayer of gratitude for the delight and the privilege of doing this show. Gratitude is the single greatest treasure I will take with me from this experience. The opportunity to have done this work, to be embraced by all of you who watched, is one of the greatest honors any human being could have. And I thank each of you for allowing me to speak in such a way that, no matter what was happening in your life, you could see the best of your selves. For everything there is a season, we know, and our time together on this platform is coming to a close. In a few moments when the final credits roll, I see it not as an ending, but as an extraordinary beginning. One chapter closed. The next chapter beginning for all of us.
"I've been asked many times during this farewell season, 'Is ending the show bittersweet?' Well, I say all sweet. No bitter. And here is why: Many of us have been together for 25 years. We have hooted and hollered together, had our aha! moments, we ugly-cried together and we did our gratitude journals. So I thank you all for your support and your trust in me. I thank you for sharing this yellow brick road of blessings. I thank you for tuning in every day along with your mothers and your sisters and your daughters, your partners, gay and otherwise, your friends and all the husbands who got coaxed into watching Oprah. And I thank you for being as much of a sweet inspiration for me as I've tried to be for you.

"I won't say goodbye. I'll just say...until we meet again."

Memories remains

Memories are like a blanket that keeps us warm in a lone cold starry night. You look up at the glittery stars and remember a forgotten smile. Then its dawns onto you, that the blanket itself has many memories woven into its threads. All these threads of small memories suddenly sum up moments of laughter, tears, pride and joy in your life.

''Pleasure is the flower that passes; remembrance, the lasting perfume." - Jean de Boufflers

"Life gives us brief moments with another...but sometimes in those brief moment we get memories that last a life time..." - Anonymous

"Life is simple, its just not easy." - Anonymous

"Forgive, O Lord, my little jokes on Thee,

And I'll forgive Thy great big one on me." - Robert Frost, "Cluster of Faith," 1962

"I think I've discovered the secret of life - you just hang around until you get used to it." - Charles Schulz

"Everything is funny as long as it is happening to somebody else." - Will Rogers

"People who snore always fall asleep first." - Anonymous

"The trouble with the rat race is that even if you win you're still a rat." - Lilly Tomlin
"Life is full of misery, loneliness, and suffering, and it's all over much too soon." - Woody Allen


My dear daughter 8 years old sketch.
She always drawed a picture of me,her sister and labels 'I love you Mum' and 'Kakak sayang ibu'.This card on the Mother's Day.
And her school exercise book also mostly will be her medium to draw.
As a girl she will draw a picture of princess,animal,bear,barney and castle.
To observed her grow from a tiny baby,and frequently hospitalised due to asthma,I am so proud of her.

''A child can always teach an adult three things: to be happy for no reason, to always be busy with something, and to know how to demand with all his might that which he desires. ''

-Paulo Coelho

The latest picture...

In my indolence days/Resepi Siput Sedut Masak Lemak cili api

Indolence means lack of activity and may refer to:

-Laziness of people and living beings
Laziness (also called indolence) is a disinclination to activity or exertion despite having the ability to do so. It is often used as a pejorative; related terms for a person seen to be lazy include couch potato, slacker, and bludger.
Despite Sigmund Freud's discussion of the pleasure principle, Leonard Carmichael notes that "laziness is not a word that appears in the table of contents of most technical books on psychology... It is a guilty secret of modern psychology that more is understood about the motivation of thirsty rats and hungry pecking pigeons as they press levers or hit targets than is known about the way in which poets make themselves write poems or scientists force themselves into the laboratory when the good golfing days of spring arrive."
When the indolence days hit,the meal will do:Ramen Noodle a.k.a instant noodles.

mee maggi

Ni time rajin...aku masak lemak siput sedut...sedap..

Masak Lemak Siput Sedut..sedia utk disedutttt
 Resepi Masak Lemak Siput Sedut/belitung

1/2 nos kelapa (diparut dan di kisar utk mendapatkan santan)
600gm siput sedut-dipotong dihujungnya dan dibasuh bersih
1 batang serai-ketuk
1 helai daun kunyit-dihiris nipis
4 biji cili padi-di ketuk dan boleh tambah ikut tahap kepedasan yang diinginkan
1 biji keledek merah-dikupas dan di potong cube kecil
1/2 inci halia-tumbuk
2 biji bawang merah-tumbuk
1 biji tomato,belah 4
2 sudu garam
sedikit gula
Cendawan abalone segengam kalau nak variety

1.Masukkan santan,cili padi,keledek,bawang dan halia ke dalam periuk.Masak dengan api perlahan dan   kacau selalu.Masukkan daun kunyit dan serai sekali.
2.Tunggu hingga keledek agak lembut dan masukkan tomato,garam dan siput.
3.Kacau selalu dan tunggu hingga siput masak.
4.Angkat dan hidangkan.
5.Fungsi keledek untuk memekatkan kuah dan memaniskan rasa siput yang agak pahit.Asam keping tak perlu kerana diganti dengan tomato.

Masakan ni memang terbukti kelazatannya.Inilah bidang kepakaran aku,haha..memang jadi request menu selalu.

Some Thoughts and Quotes on Loneliness

Since I loved this post,I copy and post in my own-blog for my own access anytime.Hope this will do.Thanks to a writer for the beautiful post.
~by Josh Hanagarne on November 29, 2010

Today I have loneliness on the brain for a few different reasons, but I’m not lonely. Sort of.
I rarely feel lonely unless I am sick. At the time of this writing I am quite ill, and quite annoyed by this. I rarely pay attention to my body when I’m feeling great, but it becomes impossible to ignore the fact that we’re all walking around inside giant sacks of meat, water, and air as soon as they start functioning poorly. Sadly, well-being doesn’t feel urgent until it’s gone for a while.
I recently read a fantastic book called Loneliness: Human Nature and the Need For Social Connection. John Capiocco is the author. Highly recommended.
I now realize I was lonely when I wrote Coping Is Not The Answer, still one of the most popular posts on World’s Strongest Librarian.
The older I get, the more I enjoy my own company. I’m not a hermit. I’m not a misanthrope, I hope that’s obvious. I love people, but more and more, I find that I enjoy being able to choose who I see, and when I seem them, at least as much. I rarely feel lonely when I’m alone, unless my family is away.

For me, loneliness is on the edge of isolation and solitude. I like solitude, but I don’t like the feeling of isolation. I used to have romantic ideas about living in the middle of nowhere in Alaska as some kind of paradise. I don’t have those ideas anymore. A mountaintop cabin outside of Denver, and a helicopter pilot to fly me down into the city on occasion would be perfect, I think.
I do think it is possible to be lonely in a crowd.
I read a book called Blackbox a few years ago. The only scene I remember is that a radio talk show host, or someone on a radio show, told listeners to honk their horns if they had ever felt depressed or suicidal. The city shook with the noise.
I think painful loneliness is worth enduring in the pursuit of identity. My lowest points have been those when I was driving my friends away because of depression. I had no identity beyond what I was worth to another person. Backwards.
In Watership Down one of the rabbits describes a hollow, frightened feeling as feeling like “trees in November.” I love that. I think it’s a perfect description of being alone and wishing it were otherwise.
I don’t envy hermits, even if they’re happy.

Quotes on Loneliness:
~Lonely people, in talking to each other can make each other lonelier – Lillian Hellman
~If you are lonely when you are alone, you are in bad company – Sartre
~No one would choose a friendless existence on condition of having all the other things in the world – Aristotle
~We’re all lonely for something we don’t know we’re lonely for. How else to explain the curious feeling that goes around feeling like missing somebody we’ve never even met? - David Foster Wallace
~One may have a blazing hearth in one’s soul, and yet no one ever comes to sit by it – Vincent Van Gogh

I’m not lonely today, just sick. Sick, maudlin, and wishing I was eating a box of Peeps. But no matter what I still think these quotes are beautiful, and melancholy is not without its pleasures once in a while.


admirer a clutch bag..

In my desire to buy a clutch bag..
Nak beli jugak biarpun budget takder.Clutch yang feminin but no floral made from silk or satin,elegant,don't like the zip style but love the button/press zip.Must in basic clour and medium size.Not that small like wallet yet not oversize like a make-up bag.

This one should be no no...

this one no no mood

ah..thats nice




multi function

love the JLo clutch

Shoping di Padang Besar dan keindahan ladang tebu Chuping mengatasinya...

We drove to Padang besar to shopping.They have a branded designer bag,clothes,snack and fruit.
Like a flea market or a large market area.The Padang Besar,Perlis,Malaysia is nearest border to Thailand.
In weekend or holidays,the area normaly busy and crowd. like in anywhere got money then you'll be a happy shopper.

(credit to google)
But I loved much not on shopping but on the way to Padang Besar.The lanscape of Chuping was awesome.
Chuping is a small town in Perlis. It got its name from a limestone hill known as Bukit Chuping.
The area is well suited to sugar cane which is extensively grown and processed in refineries. There are also cement plants which supply some of the country's requirements.
~Perlis is the smallest state in Malaysia. It lies at the northern part of the west coast of Peninsular Malaysia and has Satun and Songkhla Provinces of Thailand on its northern border. It is bordered by the state of Kedah to the south. Perlis was called Palit (Thai: ปะลิส) by the Siamese when it was under their influence.
The capital of Perlis is Kangar and the Royal capital is Arau. Another important town is Padang Besar, at the Malaysian-Thailand border. The main port and ferry terminal is at the small village of Kuala Perlis, linking mostly to Langkawi Island. Perlis has a famous snake farm and research centre at Sungai Batu Pahat and Gua Kelam and Perlis State Park are tourist attractions. Compared to other states of Malaysia, Perlis has bucolic charm, peace and simplicity.

Dan yang kat bawah menggunakan camera hp jer...

Road to Padang Besar through Chuping Perlis on the left is sugar cane plantation

Ladang Tebu

The view from a far..the hill and limestone surround.. breathtaking

Cantik gilaaa

Kompleks Padang Besar Bazar

wajib makan pulut ayam kalau ke sini

Jalan menghala balik..ada lembah kt bawah ni..rasa macam kt Europe pulak bila dah berlembah dan saujana mata memandang niii

Tak sempat nak berhenti amik pic..rugi sebab memang lawa la scenery kt Chuping niii

The scenery was mesmerized,breathtaking,'s like has been  painted.