In my indolence days/Resepi Siput Sedut Masak Lemak cili api

Indolence means lack of activity and may refer to:

-Laziness of people and living beings
Laziness (also called indolence) is a disinclination to activity or exertion despite having the ability to do so. It is often used as a pejorative; related terms for a person seen to be lazy include couch potato, slacker, and bludger.
Despite Sigmund Freud's discussion of the pleasure principle, Leonard Carmichael notes that "laziness is not a word that appears in the table of contents of most technical books on psychology... It is a guilty secret of modern psychology that more is understood about the motivation of thirsty rats and hungry pecking pigeons as they press levers or hit targets than is known about the way in which poets make themselves write poems or scientists force themselves into the laboratory when the good golfing days of spring arrive."
When the indolence days hit,the meal will do:Ramen Noodle a.k.a instant noodles.

mee maggi

Ni time rajin...aku masak lemak siput sedut...sedap..

Masak Lemak Siput Sedut..sedia utk disedutttt
 Resepi Masak Lemak Siput Sedut/belitung

1/2 nos kelapa (diparut dan di kisar utk mendapatkan santan)
600gm siput sedut-dipotong dihujungnya dan dibasuh bersih
1 batang serai-ketuk
1 helai daun kunyit-dihiris nipis
4 biji cili padi-di ketuk dan boleh tambah ikut tahap kepedasan yang diinginkan
1 biji keledek merah-dikupas dan di potong cube kecil
1/2 inci halia-tumbuk
2 biji bawang merah-tumbuk
1 biji tomato,belah 4
2 sudu garam
sedikit gula
Cendawan abalone segengam kalau nak variety

1.Masukkan santan,cili padi,keledek,bawang dan halia ke dalam periuk.Masak dengan api perlahan dan   kacau selalu.Masukkan daun kunyit dan serai sekali.
2.Tunggu hingga keledek agak lembut dan masukkan tomato,garam dan siput.
3.Kacau selalu dan tunggu hingga siput masak.
4.Angkat dan hidangkan.
5.Fungsi keledek untuk memekatkan kuah dan memaniskan rasa siput yang agak pahit.Asam keping tak perlu kerana diganti dengan tomato.

Masakan ni memang terbukti kelazatannya.Inilah bidang kepakaran aku,haha..memang jadi request menu selalu.

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